+31 (0) 180 418 113 | info@ibix.nl
A good blastpot for facade cleaning is easy to carry, easy to use, can work quickly and effectively, and has a lightweight beam gun and blast hose.
Removing old paint layers and rust from steel can be done in several ways. Rust that has not been completely removed will always return.
Removing wax and paint from wood a long job? With IBIX® you are able to quickly remove paint from many types of wood without damaging the substrate.
Graffiti is often applied with a spray can or with waterproof felt-tip pen. Graffiti that has been on the surface for a long time in particular is difficult to remove.
With years of worldwide experience and numerous prestigious references, the IBIX® system has become an important part of yacht maintenance. More and more marinas are therefore working with the IBIX® system for the total maintenance of yachts.
The IBIX® Maritime blast boiler is indispensable on board. Thanks to the handy model and the perfect result, the IBIX® is increasingly replacing rust chipping and scraping. The IBIX® Maritime is easily connected to the compressor on board.
Soda is 99% baking flour, made suitable for blasting with a few additives. Soda blasting is seen by many people as the follow-up to conventional blasting because no damage is realized for most applications.
There are about 40 types of blasting media with each abrasive has multiple applications. More applications with the IBIX® system are discovered every year. Whether the IBIX® system is also suitable for your application? We are happy to advise you!